Baba is Hint: A Spoiler-Free Guide - Babarcade

There are no new rules taught in Babarcade. In fact, most levels don’t involve visible rules at all! Levels in this world redesign a classic video game using the rules of Baba is You. Every level in this world is easy, so you might as well play them all, though you only need to finish 3 of the 7 to clear the world.

Babarcade is not required to complete the game as it does not open up new worlds. However, seeing as there are only seven subworlds and you need to clear five, you may as well do this, the easiest one.

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Baba is Hint: A Spoiler-Free Guide - New Adventures

In November of 2021, international smash hit Baba is You got two new levelpacks, courtesy of the all-powerful creator himself, Hempuli. I knew that at some point I’d have to go in and update this guide to add those levels. At the end of 2021 I was busy with other things, so I put it off until the new year. Then I had to play the levels myself, and boy are they not easy. I’ve solved as many as I could on my own, but I couldn’t wait forever so I did have to look up a dozen or so. Don’t ever forget what I’ve sacrificed for you (my patience, I sacrificed my patience).

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