Just when I thought I was out, they pull me right back in!
In November of 2021, international smash hit Baba is You got two new levelpacks, courtesy of the all-powerful creator himself, Hempuli. I knew that at some point I’d have to go in and update this guide to add those levels. At the end of 2021 I was busy with other things, so I put it off until the new year. Then I had to play the levels myself, and boy are they not easy. I’ve solved as many as I could on my own, but I couldn’t wait forever so I did have to look up a dozen or so. Don’t ever forget what I’ve sacrificed for you (my patience, I sacrificed my patience).
The two new levelpacks are The Museum and New Adventures. The Museum features unused or removed levels from the original game, and I am not going to be providing hints for those. New Adventures is the more interesting pack - these are levels which feature words or ideas that Hempuli had thought up for the original game but never used. (These words have been included in the level editor for a long time, so some of you may have had exposure to them before this levelpack was released.)
A quick note:
If you haven’t played the original game or read my guide, I’d suggest starting there. These levels start off hard and get harder, and you need to know how the game already works. You won’t need to know about the endgame content from the original game, though it will certainly help. If you’re stuck, remember there is very little to be gained from 100% completion. You only need to clear 5 of the 7 world in this game to get to the ending. That isn’t too difficult. Trying to solve every puzzle, though, will destroy your brain.
Click on any image from the gallery below to jump to that world. Feel free to jump around from world to world in this guide, as the game isn’t that linear anymore.
Rules you should know
This levelpack is mostly non-linear, but I will still include this section just in case you’ve jumped yourself too far ahead. You certainly don’t have to clear worlds in order, but occasionally rules taught in earlier worlds will crop up again.
every single rule from the original Baba is You game
There will be no tutorials for those, so if you don’t know them now, you are going to have a bad time.
Stuck elsewhere? Navigate using the following pictures:

The Hubworld (New Adventures!)
Like the original game, the hubworld features its own set of puzzles. Unlike the original, however, they are not tutorials, and you cannot possibly solve them all in one go. Some of them will unlock subworlds, which then unlock new levels in the hub. For this page, I will present all the hubworld levels in order, but whenever a level unlocks a subworld, I will provide the link to that world (or worlds, when multiple are unlocked). If you are particular about seeing no spoilers, then you can navigate away and come back when you are finished and see the next level in order, and so on and so forth.
There are no flowers to be gained from finishing the hubworld. Not only that, but of the 22 levels here, only 4 of them are actually required to finish the game. Those are 00 (Baba’s Home), 01 (Who Is It?), 02 (Musical Interlude), and 22 (Conclusion). While some new rules are taught in other levels, those rules do not appear in the 6 of 7 subworlds you can access doing this minimalist run. That means you can safely skip all of them! The new rules are:
Follow - only appears in Level 01 (required level)
Play - only appears in Level 02 (required level)
You2 - only appears in Level 03
3D - appears in Levels 04, 05, 07, and 08, and then in the world Babarcade. That world requires completing Levels 04, 05, and 07 to enter.
Colors - these appear in Level 06 and then in one subworld level
Group2 - appears in Levels 10 and 11
Seeing - appears in Levels 12, 16, and 17
Boom - appears in Levels 13, 15, and 18
NextTo - only appears in Level 14
That means Levels 00, 09, 19, 20, 21, and 22 feature no new rules. I personally recommend trying out every single one of these levels because they aren’t too difficult and the new rules are pretty fun.
Reminder: Bold text refers to rules themselves. Italics refer to the objects affected by rules - every one of them in the level. Regular text only refers to specific instances of those objects. “Quoted text” refers to the actual noun, property, and connecting word text you can interact with on the level. All hints are invisible until you highlight text.
Level 00: Baba’s Home
Difficulty: non-existent
About the Level
You might notice the signpost in the pen with Baba. Signposts feature much more frequently in the “Museum” levelpack. When anything that is You is near a signpost, it will display some text. Usually this is to show dev notes, such as the sign in this level. However, it is possible for the notes to actually provide a real hint, so don’t write them off.
If you honestly need a hint for this level, I suggest playing the original game first. If you already have played the original game and still need a hint for this level, you are not going to like this levelpack.
The Hubworld
This is what you see when you finish the first level. You’ll notice how spread out everything looks. Generally, different colored squares refer to different “areas” or “themes,” but the connections are pretty tenuous. This first area will contain Levels 00-08. In order to go any further, you’ll need to complete at least one subworld.
Level 01: Who is It?
Difficulty: **
About the Level
New stuff:
Nouns Eye, Arrow, and It
Property Follow
Right away you can see that these levels are usually going to be more complicated than levels from the original game. This one isn’t so bad, but it does take a while to parse what is happening. Make sure you can tell what the new objects are, as well as what Follow means. Is there something about that property you would think should happen, but doesn’t happen? What actually happens?
Gentle Nudge: Why do you have multiple Arrows?
Bigger Nudge: Why is there so much empty space on the left half of the map, particuarly so many nooks and crannies?
Level 02: Musical Interlude
Difficulty: non-existent
About the Level
New stuff:
Nouns Drum, Hi-Hat, Sax, and Piano
Operator Play
This is the only level to feature Play, and for good reason. Enjoy!
Gentle Nudge: Try to win the level.
New Worlds!
After completing the first two levels, you’ll open up Familiar Land, Land of Oddities, and Land of Delicacies. Click any of the links to go to those world pages now.
Level 03: New Friends!
Difficulty: **
About the Level
New stuff:
Nouns Jiji and Fofo
Property You2
Jiji is the Yellow-orange guy and Fofo is the green one. As for You2, the buttons on the left-hand side of the screen should tell you what to do there. If you are playing on console, those buttons will be different, of course.
Gentle Nudge: Is it possible to get Fofo and Jiji on the same side of the map? Is it possible to get Keke on any section with the other two? What, then, should your goal be?
Bigger Nudge: You have four Rocks and four tiles of Water. Where will the Rocks go? Are you sure?
Level 04: A Simple Maze
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Property 3D
Hoo-boy, this is an interesting one. There’s no way to avoid making the phrase Baba is 3D, so go ahead and see what happens. Personally, I find these levels annoying because the perspective/interface screw makes really simple stuff way harder for no reason. Thankfully none of the 3D levels require all that much rule manipulation or I’d tear out what’s left of the hair I didn’t tear out playing the original game. Depth perception is pretty bad in this view, so the undo button is going to come in handy!
This level is required to access Babarcade, though Babarcade itself is not required to complete the game.
Gentle Nudge: It's hard to say much without spoiling, but this hint applies to all 3D levels. First look at the map before transitioning to 3D and work out the solution, and then create Baba is 3D and solve by rote.
Level 05: Another Simple Maze
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Foot, should be obvious which one it is
I’m pretty sure there are hidden rules on the right-most edge, as there has to be a rule changing the color of Tile. There’s also something else going on.
You need to finish this level to access Babarcade, though Babarcade is not necessary to finishing the game.
Gentle Nudge: Honestly, this one's just cheating. Go into 3D mode and you'll see what I mean.
Level 06: Colorful Cavern
Difficulty: **
About the Level
New stuff
Noun Gem
Properties Orange, Yellow, Lime, Cyan, and Pink
The colorful properties don’t, on their own, mean all that much. They just change the object’s color. There are more colors than this, too, if you use your level editor.
Gentle Nudge: Will you ever get Baba past the Fungi? Will you ever get the Gem out?
Bigger Nudge: Why do you think you have access to so many colors? Would this level work if you only had one color?
Level 07: Baba Twins
Difficulty: *
About the Level
There’s something you can do in 3D mode you can’t do anywhere else. This rule is explained somewhere in this level.
You have to finish this level to access Babarcade, though you don’t have to clear Babarcade to finish the game.
Gentle Nudge: This looks like it will be a bit of a challenge from the top-down view, but trust me, it's trivial once you swap to 3D.
New World!
After solving Level 07, you gain access to Babarcade. Clink the link to jump to that world.
Level 08: Hedge Maze
Difficulty: **
About the Level
This is the most complicated a 3D level is going to get, thank god.
Gentle Nudge: Same hint as always - look at how you would solve this in 2D so that when your view gets obstructed you don't lose track.
Break Time!
If you’ve been trying to solve all the hubworld levels in one go, you’re out of luck here. Until you’ve finished either the Land of Delicacies or the Starry Land, you cannot access any other levels here. I’ve included this space as a reminder so you don’t accidentally spoil anything for yourself. Finish one of those and come back.
Or, if you haven’t done these yet: Familiar Land or the Land of Oddities!
Level 09: Private Club
Difficulty: *
Gentle Nudge: Why do you have both a Ghost and a Rock? What do you really need?
Level 10: Exclusive Membership
Difficulty: **
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Group2
If you’ve used the level editor, you already know you can have three separate groups. This levelpack, however, only uses Group and Group2. (Well, technically there are levels that use the third group, but only in hidden rules for special purposes in the Babarcade.)
Gentle Nudge: What will your win condition sentence look like?
Bigger Nudge: Now you've imagined a short sentence. What is the second sentence you will place vertically to make this whole thing work?
Level 11: New Members
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: You will never get two Keys. What is another way to Open something?
Bigger Nudge: Is there another thing the Key can open?
Another Break Time!
You gain nothing after clearing Levels 09-11. But in order to get to the next levels, you need to clear another world. To access Levels 12-18, you have to clear Starry Land or Land Land Land. To get to Levels 19-21, clear Land of Vehicles or Land Land Land. Finally, to get to the conclusion, you need to clear either Starry Land or Land of Vehicles and have cleared a total of five or more worlds. As soon as those other pages are live I will link them here.
Level 12: Clear Vision
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Infix condition Seeing
It might be immediately obvious what Seeing does, but in case it is not, try moving Baba out of the little cloud bunker and see what happens. When does this plan fall apart? What does this tell you about Seeing?
Gentle Nudge: This level would not be solvable if "Flag is Win" were one space lower.
Level 13: Boom
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Nouns Egg and Pumpkin
Property Boom
First make Egg is Boom. What happens? Now make Fish is Boom and Boom. Is this exactly the same, or has something different happened? What about when you make Pumpkin is Boom and Boom and Boom? What does this tell you about the rule?
Gentle Nudge: Do you need to blow up all three objects in the Hedge?
Level 14: Lesson in Adjacency
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Lamp
Infix condition NextTo
The NextTo condition is only used in this level. Move the Ghost and Baba around and you’ll see how it is different than, yet somehow nearly identical to, Near. That’s probably why it’s not used.
Gentle Nudge: Why do you have access to the text "Ghost is You"?
Level 15: Demolitionwork
Difficulty: **
About the Level
New stuff
Noun Banana
Gentle Nudge: You don't have access to "And." Is there another way to use both "Boom" pieces simultaneously?
Level 16: Seeing Double
Difficulty: ****
About the Level
This is one of my favorites from the levelpack. Just thought you should know.
Gentle Nudge: Notice the rules Rocket Without Baba is You and Sun Without Baba is Win. What do you need to do to win this level?
Bigger Nudge: If you turn Bird into another Baba, something will happen after one turn which makes the level impossible. Why? What must you do to make the solution work?
Level 17: Seeing Trouble
Difficulty: ****
About the Level
Technically, you could have solved the previous level with the solution for this level. But it’s unlikely you did.
Gentle Nudge: What has changed about this level from the previous? This means that when you create your final rule, what isn't going to happen on the same turn?
Bigger Nudge: Given that information, where should you move the Bird first?
Level 18: Cornered Victory
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: Is there a reason for "Text is Weak"?
Bigger Nudge: You have the "And" this time, but only one "Boom." How can you blow through the Hedge as if you had two "Boom" pieces?
Level 19: Advanced Linguistics
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
So, a short time after the level editor came out, I was tooling around and making some puzzles. No joke, this level and the next two involve the exact same trick I used in several of my levels. So it was a bit easier for me than it might be for someone else.
Gentle Nudge: Notice how one of the rules is crossed out immediately. Why?
Bigger Nudge: So that means you need a particular rule in place. You also need another rule to cross the Eyes. What is that rule?
Specific Hint: Normally making two rules requires six pieces. If you use the same "Is" it takes five. Is there a way to use only four pieces?
Level 20: Advanced Linguistics 2
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: Do you need two separate rules this time?
Bigger Nudge: How can you make the same single rule activate twice?
Level 21: Advanced Linguistics 3
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: Which piece of Text from the previous level is gone? Which new piece was added?
Bigger Nudge: What did you do to solve the previous level? You can't duplicate that piece of Text. Is there another one?
That’s all!
...for the main levels. If you’ve collected 5 or more flowers, you can pass through the gate and play the final level and end the game. Thanks for reading the guide. In the meantime, do these hints work? Anything spoil too much? Do the hints actually help or are they too vague? Maybe you thought of a really good hint yourself? Send them to me. (Don’t comment them below.) You can find me @keyofw on Twitter or keyofw on Reddit. DM me anytime.
Level 22: Conclusion
Difficulty: impossible
About the Level
If you made it here, that’s the end! Don’t forget to Win this level to get the spore. End it to see the credits/officially finish the levelpack.
Gentle Nudge: I've referred to Baba as a "he," "she," and "they" throughout the whole guide. This is for two reasons. The first is that Baba's gender is indeterminate and I wanted to keep it that way. The second is that I'm confused about my sexuality.
Bigger Nudge: If you liked this guide, let me know! You can comment below or reach me on any social media platform I use. My handle is "keyofw" on Twitter, Reddit, Twitch, Tumblr, YouTube, etc. Feel free to contact me to say hi or let me know if there are typos/errors so I can fix them.
Specific Hint: I have actually been asked if I accept tips. I certainly won't say no, but I didn't make this for money. This guide will always be free. At the moment, I am doing well enough financially that I will get along just fine without tips. Please do not give unless it's out of your abundance. However, for the both of you still reading this who would like to donate, I can be found @keyofw pretty much anywhere if you have questions, and I have a Venmo under the same tag.