Rules you should know
You will be able to access the Land of Vehicles as soon as you complete either the Land of Delicacies or the Starry Land. While it’s a good idea to learn all the rules in the previous worlds, the only things you will use again here are:
Fall (from multiple levels)
Fear (from Land of Oddities 6-12)
Idle (from Land of Oddities 13-15)
Above (from Starry Land 1-5)
Stuck elsewhere? Navigate using the following pictures:

Land of Vehicles
This world is divided into five different sections. The first set, the orange levels, deals with Power. After that are the purple levels on the lower left, which deal with Auto. Then the bottom set, the pink levels, deals with Locked. After that you skip to the top right, where the red levels deal with Still. Finally, the lower right purple levels are about Phantom.
The Land of Vehicles is easily my favorite in the whole game. There are 27 levels, but you only have to clear 8. That much should be doable. Only when you’re going for 100% will you run into the horribly difficult levels. The following eight should get you the basics of everything and with playing only the easiest levels:
1: Electricty
2: Alpine Meadow
3: Log Cabin
4: Test Chamber
5: Clockwork Ghosts
9: Whoops Deluxe
13: Standby
19: What’s That?
As it turns out, all the Power levels are the easiest, so just do those and one of each other section.
Reminder: Bold text refers to rules themselves. Italics refer to the objects affected by rules - every one of them in the level. Regular text only refers to specific instances of those objects. “Quoted text” refers to the actual noun, property, and connecting word text you can interact with on the level. All hints are invisible until you highlight text.
Vehicles-1: Electricity
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Property Power
Prefix Condition Powered
Power and Powered always come as a pair. Try creating Powered Baba is You. What happens? Now create Bird is Power and then Powered Baba is You. Is that different? What does that tell you about Power?
Gentle Nudge: Why is the room with the Flag 3x3 spaces?
Vehicles-2: Alpine Meadow
Difficulty: **
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Bee
Gentle Nudge: Where should the three Bees go? Is there any trick in getting them there safely?
Bigger Nudge: At what point should you Power the Bees?
Vehicles-3: Log Cabin
Difficulty: *
Gentle Nudge: You can't win if you Sink the Bird... so what can you Sink?
Vehicles-4: Test Chamber
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Lever
The Companion Cube here is just a re-skin of the Box. Portal reference. You had to be there.
Gentle Nudge Weird how there's another 3x3 space here...
Vehicles-5: Clockwork Ghosts
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Property Auto
You will immediately notice that Auto is doing something. What exactly? How is it different from Move? Can this be useful in a way that Move is not?
Gentle Nudge: Which piece of Ice will Baba cross? Why does the other piece exist then?
Vehicles-6: Hangar
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: How many pieces do you need to fill all the spaces to the right of Me?
Bigger Nudge: What order should the Text be placed?
Vehicles-7: Clockwords
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Clock
Personally, I found this level easy to know what to do, but getting it to happen was finicky.
Gentle Nudge: Which piece should you move to break up It is You?
Bigger Nudge: Where will you place "Clock" and "Is"?
Vehicles-8: Clockworld
Difficulty: *
I don't know how to give hints for this one. It's more of an action level.
Vehicles-9: Whoops Deluxe
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Property Locked
Notice how Locked has directional arrows like Fall. Try moving Baba to the left. What happens? What does this tell you about Locked?
Gentle Nudge: Should you push a certain piece of Text down first or to the right?
Vehicles-10: Tapestries
Difficulty: **
About the Level
New stuff:
Nouns Circle and Planet
This one’s a bit trippy. While within the enclosure the tiles mostly act as walls due to the interlocking of the, well, Locked rules. But remember that those are not walls of any kind.
Gentle Nudge: Is there somewhere you can escape the enclosure?
Bigger Nudge: Who is Locked?
Vehicles-11: Presenting Credentials
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: What reason would you have to Push the Gem?
Bigger Nudge: What's a better way to move the Gem to the right?
Vehicles-12: Happy Dance
Difficulty: ****
About the Level
New stuff, probably:
Noun Dog
Gentle Nudge What rule is required to get a Dog to walk over the Skulls without dying?
Bigger Nudge Why do you think you have the Locked rule? Specifically, why is it facing downward?
Vehicles-13: Standby
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Property Still
Notice that Robot is Move, yet the Robot is stuck in that spot. Why? What does this tell you about Still?
Gentle Nudge: How can you create Robot is You without the Robot pushing one of your rules out of the way?
Vehicles-14: Written in Stone
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: Look at the "Flag is" near the "Win." How are you going to move that Text into position?
Bigger Nudge: What rule can you use to prevent "Win" from moving when the other Text moves?
Vehicles-15: Ventilation Shaft
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: If Belt is You and you move up or down, the level is over. Is there another way you can move?
Bigger Nudge: If you do that, the belt is facing the wrong way. How can you change that without moving?
Vehicles-16: Antigravity
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: Imagine what the level looks like when you get Fofo through the Belts and Sun. What rules need to be in place?
Bigger Nudge: The challenge is getting a piece of Text on the leftmost column of Belts. Is there a rule that exists which normally inconveniences you but actually becomes helpful here?
Vehicles-17: Planet Baba
Difficulty: *
Gentle Nudge: Is it feasible to clear out Babas while Foot is You?
Vehicles-18: Smelting Facility
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
This might be one of the hardest levels in the entire levelpack. Good luck!
Gentle Nudge Try an experiment for me. Create Empty is Pull and notice how this basically ends your game. Is there some additional rule you can add that will allow for Empty is Pull and free movement?
Bigger Nudge What reason would you have to make Empty is Pull if you're just going to have free movement anyway? Look at the surrounding rules and see if there's something there that might be useful.
Specific Hint Your first move should be to set up your rockets in three precise positions. Once you have your rules in play, you will make two specific transformations at the same time. What are those?
Vehicles-19: What’s That?
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Property Phantom
Walk Baba down as far as they can go. What happens to the Rock? Why can you move it if it also seems to ignore collision? What does this tell you about Phantom?
Gentle Nudge: Why is the Wall dividing the level in half only one tile wide?
Vehicles-20: Where Am I Going?
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: What other rule could you add to "Skull is Defeat and" in order to get to the Flag?
Bigger Nudge: Baba can't adjust rules if he is Phantom. Is there something else which can?
Vehicles-21: Why All This?
Difficulty: *
Gentle Nudge: Imagine how you'd solve this without Key is Locked. What extra step does this add?
Vehicles-22: Buzz
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: Why do you think you have four Arrows instead of, say, two?
Bigger Nudge: Is there a way to have something able to pass through the Wall, go onto the Belts, then push "Is" once and stop moving?
Vehicles-23: Midnight Meeting
Difficulty: *
About the Level
Dunno, something about this level was way easier than I thought it would be.
Gentle Nudge: What is one way to move an object around if Text is not Push? Is there a rule which you will activate which functionally makes it so you can't push Text?
Vehicles-24: There and Back
Difficulty: ****
Gentle Nudge: Where do you think you will form "Flag is Melt"? Will it be horizontal or vertical? Where can you place "Flag"?
Bigger Nudge: What is the purpose of the Belt? Is it only there to prevent you from cross from the right side?
Specific Hint: One rule will allow you to move Text away from a Wall. Another rule will allow you to freely traverse walls to go around Text. What are those two rules?
Vehicles-Extra 1: Pushing Uphill
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Cat
Gentle Nudge Think of your solution to the first version of this level. If you can't Lock the same object, how can you replicate the Lock with Text instead?
Vehicles-Extra 2: Steep Hill
Difficulty: *****
Gentle Nudge: What are the two changes to this level? How does that complicate things?
Bigger Nudge: When you solved the other two levels, were your animals both facing the same direction? How did you pull that off each time? What possible object could you use to do that here?
Specific Hint: When You is also Move, you go two spaces. Even if you only have one space to move. What happens then?
Vehicles-3: Words Eroded by Time
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
Arrrrrrgh. This one feels so incredibly precise that even when I got the rules right it took forever to get the setup! Be patient with yourself.
Gentle Nudge: What are the two changes to this level? Does one of them hurt you? How? Does one help you? How?
Bigger Nudge: You could stop something from Fall by making it Still. Is there another way to stop something from Fall?
Even Bigger Nudge: Why do you have multiple Flags?
Gigantic Nudge: If you move Baba under "Win" and then move any direction except right, she won't move at all. Do with this information whatever you want.
World Complete!
After finishing Land of Vehicles, you gain access to Land Land Land if you haven’t already, and also levels 19-21 from the hubworld. And if you’re following this guide “in order” (whatever that means), you only have one more world to go: Land Land Land.
In the meantime, do these hints work? Any hints too spoilery? Too vague? Let me know. Or, if you’ve though of better hints or alternate solutions, you can reach out to me. Don’t comment anything spoilery below. You can find me @keyofw on pretty much everything, like Twitter or Reddit. DM me anytime.