Rules you should know
Land Land Land becomes available after finishing either Starry Land or Land of Vehicles. Once again you should learn all the rules from earlier, but the only ones that come back for this final world are:
Fall (Directional falls specifically, from multiple levels)
Mimic (Land of Oddities 16-23)
Without (Land of Delicacies A-D, 6-8)
Fear (Land of Oddities 6-12)
Stuck elsewhere? Navigate using the following pictures:

Land Land Land
Upon reaching this world, you can also try to access the final level - you don’t have to clear Land Land Land first. However, you need to have cleared five worlds total to get through the gate.
This world is divided into four different sections. The purple levels on the top left teach Broken. After that comes the red levels on the bottom right, teaching Reverse. Then the upper right pink levels teach Back. Finally, the gray section at the bottom reskins simple puzzles with confusing tilesets.
This world has 21 levels total, and you only need to clear 6 of them. There are enough easy levels here that this should be one of the easiest worlds to clear. Here’s my recommendation if you want to see all the new rules:
1: Cave of Mirages
3: Hidden Blueprints
4: Treasure Chest
6: Gone Fishing
9: Time Travel
10: Worm Study
I’ve avoided the “00” levels because they don’t teach new rules. They aren’t that difficult, though, if you for some reason can’t beat the six I mentioned.
Reminder: Bold text refers to rules themselves. Italics refer to the objects affected by rules - every one of them in the level. Regular text only refers to specific instances of those objects. “Quoted text” refers to the actual noun, property, and connecting word text you can interact with on the level. All hints are invisible until you highlight text.
Land-1: Cave of Mirages
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Property Broken
Try to move the Gem around. Notice how, even though Gem is Push, nothing happens. What does this tell you about Broken?
Gentle Nudge: Where do you think that "And" should go?
Land-2: Looking For Hollow Spots
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: Why aren't the rules bunched all the way up to the corners...?
Land-3: Hidden Blueprints
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: Is there any way to form Pipe is Broken?
Bigger Nudge: What side of the map will the Train be on?
Land-4: Treasure Chest
Difficulty: ****
About the Level
Just wanted to say this is one of my favorites.
Gentle Nudge: What rule can you create which will allow you to push the Key out but only moving upward?
Bigger Nudge: Is there any rule you can create which will allow you to separate the Key from the "Key" - having only one of them move at once?
Specific Hint: Why are there four Bugs? Seems like there's just enough to draw a short path for something.
Land-5: Secret Clearing
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: Why is there a "Sun"?
Bigger Nudge: What's an easy rule to make the Hedge no longer Stop?
Yet One More Nudge: If only there were a way to have Baba "skip" over the parts of the level near the Sun.
Land-6: Gone Fishing
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Property Reverse
Just idling a few turns in this level should tell you what Reverse does.
Gentle Nudge: What direction is Jiji facing if they move across the Skulls? What direction do you want them facing?
Land-7: Untouchable
Difficulty: **
About the Level
In my opinion, Reverse has a tendency to make levels look harder than they are. Don’t overthink this.
Gentle Nudge: What normally happens in the forward direction when Fear is applied?
Land-8: Experiment
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: What is the opposite direction the Belts are facing?
Land-9: Time Travel
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Worm
Property Back
For how confusing Reverse can be, Back is even more so. Pay attention to everything that happens here. When you create Fire is Back, what happens there? What does this tell you about Back?
Gentle Nudge: Is Back simply a reversal of direction? Or is it closer to pressing the Undo button?
Land-10: Worm Study
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Book
Gentle Nudge: Once you transform Key, it cannot be Back. Why is that?
Land-11: Firewall
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
You know that part of Talos Principle with the recorder puzzles? This whole section of the game feels like that.
Gentle Nudge: Imagine that Fruit is You2. What is the pattern of movement between the two characters to get the Worm onto the Flag?
Bigger Nudge: If you create [X] is Back, break the rule, do some more stuff, and recreate the rule, how much of the cycle will Back "remember," so to speak?
Land-12: Returning Home
Difficulty: *****
Gentle Nudge: Which rule should "Rock" be attached to and in which chamber? How about the "And Back" and the "Worm is You"?
Bigger Nudge: If something is Back, can it move or be moved in any other way during its retreat?
Specific Hint: You need to find a way to break up Back while You are Back.
Land-Extra 1: Private Garden
Difficulty: ****
Gentle Nudge: There is one change only. How does this make your previous solution impossible?
Specific Hint: Man, if there were some way to change the text in the chamber with the Flag, this would play out exactly like the other level.
Land-Extra 2: Garden? What Garden?
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
I love and hate this one for being so simple and clever that I was unable to just see the solution here.
Gentle Nudge The new Fall direction makes it impossible to use any previous solution to get into the left chamber. Where can it get you instead?
Bigger Nudge: Is there a reason you would want a Sun?
Specific Hint: In all three levels there has been a rule which makes it difficult to win. This is the only level you can change it, due to the new rule here.
Land-00: Ooooo Oo O OoO
Difficulty: *
About the Level
This whole set of levels is kind of fun to mess with, but ultimately doesn’t teach you anything new about the game. Pretty much it’s just a way of adding a layer of obfuscation to the existing game. Figure out how to translate what you’re seeing and these levels are trivial. Fun though.
Gentle Nudge: Doesn't this look like another level from the main game?
Land-00: Oooooooo
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: What is the difference between squares and circles?
Land-00: Bababababa
Difficulty: **
What Hint? Pretty much the only solution here is trial and error until you figure out what is what.
Land-00: (Baba)
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
This is one of the trickier ones simply because your muscle memory is going to be particularly brutal.
No Hints Seriously, you just have to trial and error until you find out which thing is what, and once you do, the solution is trivial.
Land-00: Aaaa
Difficulty: **
About the Level
Aaaa: Aaaa
Land-00: Abab Cd Efg
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
Somewhere out there is a fanmade levelpack where all (well, most of) the text is replaced with single letters. This level plays out a lot like those.
Gentle Nudge: Is there something else "H" can be?
Land-00: 123
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: What rule are you going to need to clear out some of the "0" objects?
Bigger Nudge: What two rules do you need, one after the other, to free up "2" and win the level?
World Complete!
When you finish Land Land Land, you don’t gain any new access (unless you didn’t finish Starry Land or Land of Vehicles, in which case you can play the rest of the hubworld levels). That means it’s possible to go to the final level even if you don’t clear Land Land Land. The only thing this world gets you is another useful flower.
In the meantime, do these hints work? Any hints too spoilery? Too vague? Let me know. Or, if you’ve though of better hints or alternate solutions, you can reach out to me. Don’t comment anything spoilery below. You can find me @keyofw on pretty much everything, like Twitter or Reddit. DM me anytime.

Guide Complete!
Sort of - at this point you have to go back to the ending level, which was all the way back on the first page here. Thanks for reading!