Rules you should know
Land of Delicacies is opened up once you finish Level 02 of the Hubworld. There are no new rules from any preceding worlds that you need to know.
Stuck elsewhere? Navigate using the following pictures:

Land of Delicacies
On the pic above you’ll see that Starry Lands is already unlocked. This is done by finishing either Land of Oddities or Land of Delicacies, and in my playthrough for this guide I finished Oddities before doing this one.
The first part of this world (the dark green levels) focuses on Eat. There is a vertical line of light green levels above that which also deal with Eat, but teach Without on top of that. On the upper right, the levels expound on Without. The blue levels focus on Feeling. Finally, the brown levels at the bottom are about Revert.
You need to clear 10 of the 21 levels here, which is a bit of a chore, but there are 10 levels which are easy enough. Play the following for the easiest time with Land of Delicacies while still learning each rule:
1: What Does Baba Eat?
2: I Was Too Hungry...
4: Delicious Words
5: The End
A: Appetizer
B: Starter Course
C: Main Course
D: Dessert
9: Feeling Dangerous
13: Former Glory
Reminder: Bold text refers to rules themselves. Italics refer to the objects affected by rules - every one of them in the level. Regular text only refers to specific instances of those objects. “Quoted text” refers to the actual noun, property, and connecting word text you can interact with on the level. All hints are invisible until you highlight text.
Delicacies-1: What Does Baba Eat?
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Verb Eat
Walk Baba onto any Fruit. What happens? What does this tell you about Eat?
Gentle Nudge: If Baba Eat, then you can't win because you'll eat the Flag. But if Baba doesn't Eat, then you can't win because Flag is Stop. What to do about that?
Delicacies-2: I Was Too Hungry...
Difficulty: *
Gentle Nudge: Why do you have access to "Key is Push"?
Delicacies-3: Blow the Candles Out
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: You can't stop from making Keke is Move. Can you stop Keke from moving?
Bigger Nudge: Suppose you were to make Baba Eat Wall. Can you walk through Walls or would the rule Wall is Stop prevent you?
Delicacies-4: Delicious Words
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: Which pieces of Text can be safely eaten?
Specific Hint: It is possible to finish this level eating only two pieces of Text, one of which is in the sentence "Baba Eat Text."
Delicacies-5: The End
Difficulty: ***
Gentle Nudge: Once you create the sentence Flag is Win, you have a very short amount of time to finish the level. Is it reasonable to expect Baba to cross that distance?
Bigger Nudge: Why are the Pillars there? Specifically, why are they Pillars and not more Hedges?
Delicacies-A: Appetizer
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Potato
Infix condition Without
We’ve seen Without in one level from Familiar Lands - well, if you got that far into it - but now is when you really learn how it works. Since you don’t win immediately in this level, the Without must be doing something. What?
(This and the next three levels are also incredibly easy. Finally, a few freebies.)
I'm honestly not sure how to give any sort of hint without just saying the solution.
Delicacies-B: Starter Course
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Turnip
Gentle Nudge: Is the sentence Skull Eat Turnip doing anything?
Delicacies-C: Main Course
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Burger
Gentle Nudge: This time the sentence Skull Eat Burger is doing something. Why is it useful here?
Delicacies-D: Dessert
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Donut
Gentle Nudge: You've probably gotten too used to the X eat Y sentence being stuck down there, haven't you?
Delicacies-6: Last Snack
Difficulty: ****
About the Level
The rule Without isn’t new by now, but this is the first level you really get to manipulate it.
Gentle Nudge: Are there any rules preventing Hedge or Fruit from being You? What is actually getting in the way of making those rules?
Bigger Nudge: What piece of Text do you have that can work around that? Why doesn't this immediately work?
Specific Hint: You need to form two rules simultaneously. What are they?
Delicacies-7: Exactly As It Says
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: The principal difficult in this level really comes from not being able to parse what the heck that win condition is. What exactly is being asked of you?
Delicacies-8: Mixed Identity
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
Argh... another level of brutal setup. I changed my mind, this is the worst level.
Step One: What are the two ways of getting rid of Keke? Which one is more likely to be useful?
Step Two: Is there a way to still have Baba around once Me appears?
Step Three: Where should Baba be when Me appears? What does that mean about the placement of all your rules?
Delicacies-9: Feeling Dangerous
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Infix condition Feeling
Walk Baba onto the Flag. What happens? Why does this happen? Break the rule Flag is Win and try walking onto the Flag again. Why does Baba live this time? What does this tell you about Feeling?
At this point in your Baba is You life, you really should not need help with this kind of level.
Delicacies-10: Dangerous Feeling
Difficulty: **
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Shell
Gentle Nudge: You don't have access to the word "Safe." Is there another way to essentially make an object impossible to remove forever?
Delicacies-11: Seasick
Difficulty: **
About the Level
This is the only other level in the pack to feature colors.
Gentle Nudge: How can you make Flag is Green and Baba is Green at the same time?
Delicacies-12: Once More With Feeling!
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Fish
This level shouldn’t be too difficult, but I was a dummy and forgot how to do a really, really simple trick. If you’re stuck, you might just be forgetting this too. Take a moment to relax and maybe return later with fresh eyes.
Gentle Nudge: What will the win condition say? Where should Crab be when it is created?
Bigger Nudge: How many times will you be able to push something into the upper Shell? How many pieces total do you need to push? Is there something you can do to push multiple at once?
Delicacies-13: Former Glory
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Teeth
Property Revert
I’ll say it - I don’t much care for Revert. But at least this and the next level are easy. Go ahead and idle a couple of turns and watch what happens. Then create Teeth/Rock is Revert. Now what happens? Why?
Literally the only way you can bungle this is by sticking a word in a corner you can't use it. You don't need a hint.
Delicacies-14: How Time Flies...!
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New stuff:
Noun Lizard
Gentle Nudge: How many pieces of text can you safely sink? Is there another place to get something to sink?
Delicacies-15: Seasons
Difficulty: ****
About the Level
Gah, what a nightmare of a level. You could look at a walkthrough of this and still not get it. An earlier version had one Fofo but much the same solution. I do not know what the second Fofo is doing or why it is necessary.
Gentle Nudge: Which sentence needs to be made along the wall with the lone "Is"?
Bigger Nudge: Think back to all those "Skull House" and "Treehouse" levels. Is there some way to perform a similar trick here?
Delicacies-16: Sneaking About
Difficulty: ****
Gentle Nudge: What is needed to cross the Grass? What is needed to open the Box? How can you possibly push both of these when only one thing can be Push?
Bigger Nudge: Look back at Delicacies-15. What rules were in place that can be replicated here?
Delicacies-Extra: Lastest Snack
Difficulty: ****
Gentle Nudge: One of the rules seems to be missing something...
Specific Hint: You need to simultaneously create two sentences using one piece of Text. These sentences must both be vertical or both be horizontal.
World Complete!
Upon clearing Land of Delicacies, you gain access to both Starry Land and the Land of Vehicles, and Levels 09-11 on the Hubworld. For completion’s sake it’s worth going to Starry Land, though that is the hardest world and you can safely skip 2 of the 7 worlds and still beat the game. If you are struggling with that one, go to Land of Vehicles instead.
In the meantime, do these hints work? Any hints too spoilery? Too vague? Let me know. Or, if you’ve though of better hints or alternate solutions, you can reach out to me. Don’t comment anything spoilery below. You can find me @keyofw on pretty much everything, like Twitter or Reddit. DM me anytime.