Game is End

Last updated: 9/3/21

The Center


This is what Center will look like if you already have three orbs. If you don’t have the orbs, you can’t get to the level to the left. The level at the top (with the pink flower petals) is available no matter what.

The Gallery


Yes, you can win this level and get the spore for it, but that’s not the real point of this level.

The End


What does Done mean? Try it out! But make sure you first solve this level normally (make something Win). At this point I don’t think you’ll need any help, so just have fun!

Game Complete!

Thanks for reading! I hope this helped you solve things on your own. Now comes the part where I shamelessly plug myself and this website. Mostly I’m here for my music, which I highly recommend. While I’d love to maybe do something like this for another game, I haven’t yet found the time. Let me know if there’s another big puzzle game you want help with, but you don’t want completely spoiled. Cheers!