Last updated: 8/22/2021
Rules you should know
Well, if you’ve been following this guide you should know all the rules from the main game.
Back to the Overworld
This is the world map with all ten regular worlds completed. Level 08 leads to endgame content.
As soon as you clear seven worlds, then you unlock the final levels of the overworld. These levels are special. They do special things. However, on this page I’m not going to go into their specialness. They can all be solved normally, and those normal solutions will be covered here. The final level has been available since clearing your third world.
Remember that hints are invisible until the text is highlighted. Bold text discusses the rules. Italic text discusses all objects of the named type. Regular text discusses the actual instances. Text “in quotes” refers to the actual text in the level.
Stuck elsewhere? Navigate using the following pictures:

Level 08: Slideshow
Difficulty: *
About the Level
New material: noun Level
This one isn’t hard at all but it is annoying, all due to Level is Move. Isn’t that interesting, how a property can apply to the entire level?
Gentle Nudge: When does the Level move? Does Level is Move affect in any way the steps you take to win this level?
Level 09: Fragile Existence
Difficulty: ****
About the Level
There’s a bit of a gimmick with this level. You may stumble across it on your own, as (in my opinion) the gimmick is easier than the real solution. If you want 100% completion, you still need to solve this level the normal way. These hints are for the normal solution.
Gentle Nudge: Key is Key, but Baba is not Baba. Why is that?
Bigger Nudge: Is there any reason you would need to get through the Door?
Specific Hint: There is one word you don't have access to at the start which would allow you to easily win. It is not the word "Win."
Level 10: Hostile Environment
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
As in the previous level, there is a special gimmick, but in this post I only want to focus on the regular solution.
Gentle Nudge: You are going to have to form Level is Defeat. Who will form this rule? How long will this rule take effect?
Bigger Nudge: Could there possibly be a use for both Flag and Keke (not including making Flag is Win)?
Specific Hint: There is no way to do this level without Baba being killed. But you need Baba to finish this level...
Finale: A Way Out???
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
This level was changed to patch out an unintended solution. Previously, you could finish without using every property in the level, but now you need to use everything.
To get 100%, you need to clear this level normally, by creating [X] is Win. Then you need to solve it specially, by creating [X] is End. Both times you do almost exactly the same solution.
Because this level is made of three distinct pieces, I’ll write the hints for each one. There is generally a correct order but it still feels very distinct. You can probably figure out the order yourself after you figure out what to do in each section.
Left section #1: It looks like the only reason to go into this section is to break up Belt is Shift. Could there be a second reason?
Left section #2: What prevents you from recreating Belt is Shift? How can you get around this?
Center Section #1: What do you have to do with the "Is Move" at the bottom?
Center Section #2: After creating [X] is Move, you can't change it ever again. What do you need to do before creating this rule?
Center Section #3: If you have figured out what to do with the "Is Move," you should have some extra pieces. Where should they go?
Right Section #1: What are the Belts for? What is the Ice for? What do they prevent you from doing? What do they not prevent you from doing?
Right Section #2: You need to create a sentence with "Rock" inside the chamber. Where will you bring the "Is" from? Where will you bring the property from?
Game Complete!
If you win “A Way Out” you just get the little spore telling you the level is solved. You need to do this to 100% the game, but to get the normal ending you need to complete “A Way Out?” some other way. But that’s just the normal ending. If you want to see everything, you need to find the endgame. From here on out you’ll have to navigate with the next and previous links below (or just google the page you need/guess the url).
In the meantime, do these hints work? Anything spoil too much? Do the hints actually help or are they too vague? Maybe you thought of a really good hint yourself? Send them to me. (Don’t comment them below.) You can find me @keyofw on Twitter or keyofw on Reddit. DM me anytime.