Baba is Hint: A Spoiler-Free Guide - Depths

Last updated: 8/29/21


2 - Glitch Map.png

Just a reminder that if you’ve been successful in the endgame so far, you should have access to the “?” level. This level leads to yet another world, “Depths.” Just like any mini-map from the main game or the ??? map, it can be cleared by solving enough levels. But there’s something special about Depths we haven’t seen yet:

Depths Overworld 1.jpg

Is this a world map or a puzzle level? The answer is, it is both. Take a moment to notice the rules that currently exist and what that means for you. Are there any pieces of text not currently in a rule? Are there rules involving pieces that don’t exist on the map? Why do you think that is?

Due to the nature of the Depths, this guide will progress a little differently. Instead of just listing all the levels, I am going to write this page progressively, in the order you should work. For instance, I will show level 01, then the current state of the map, then level 02, and so on. As you progress through this area, the map will change (I don’t consider this a spoiler because you should know right away this map will change), essentially producing a brand new puzzle. In order to provide hints, I will be showing each state of the map. This means if you skip ahead, you may spoil the answer to an earlier puzzle simply by looking at the state of the map. There is no way to avoid this, so please do not look ahead if you do not want to spoil the map progression. (In my opinion it doesn’t spoil that much, as you will see once you get into the levels of Depths, but I give you the warning anyway.)

In its initial state, you don’t have many choices. Just start with Depths 01.

Depths 01: Cleaning Service

Map D-1.jpg

Difficulty: **
About the Level

Ah, another puzzle with access to “Level.” We’re going to see a lot of this. You should already know what this means. It is very important you solve this level normally first, only because that way you know you’ve done it. In this case, the normal solution is easier anyway.


Gentle Nudge: How are you going to get out of the first room? Which piece or pieces of text do you need to make sure are still usable after?

Bigger Nudge: How will you get past the Skull? What rule is preventing you from doing that? In particular, which piece?

Specific Hint: Remember your solution to Fall-C. Is there something in that solution you can use here?

So you’ve finished Depths 01?

Depths Overworld 2.jpg

...and you’re stuck. Get used to this. Not every level will automatically take you somewhere. So, with no other way to go, back to Depths 01.

Depths 01 Again

Map D-1.jpg

Difficulty: **

Gentle Nudge: Look back at the picture above of the whole Depths map. How can you continue on that map? What piece do you need Level to be?

Bigger Nudge: Are you going to do anything differently up to the point you remove the Skulls?

If you see the below pic, you solved the level correctly

Depths Overworld 3.jpg

So, what can you do now? What do you think your next goal is?


Depths 02: Exercise Hall

Map D-2.jpg

Difficulty: *

Gentle Nudge: Do you really need a hint? The only difficulty here is getting your bearings.

After Depths 02

Depths Overworld 5.jpg

Notice that once you complete Depths 02, the Skull has returned to its original place. In fact, everything has returned to its original orientation. This is normal. This map is designed so it’s solvable from any initial state, regardless on the position of your cursor. Well, I think - I haven’t tested every single one. However, if you’re ever unsure what to do, you can back out with the “Return to Map” option, which in this case will take you back to the ??? map. When you return to Depths, your cursor will be in the original location (to the left of the Skull), which may make puzzle solving a little easier.

At least it’s easy to see what to do here. Next is Depths 03

Depths 03: Crushers

Map D-3.jpg

Difficulty: *
About the Level

This is the level where the boys become men. And where the girls become men. Everyone is a man now. But before you figure out the difficult solution, just do the normal one.


Gentle Nudge: No hints.

9 - Second Dead End.png

Another dead end. You probably noticed the “Level” text in Depths 03. You know what that means.

Return of Crushers

8 - Depths 3.png

Difficulty: *****
About the Level

Now that all of you have become men after solving this level the first time, I am giving anyone who is dissatisfied with their gender one more chance to swap it.

In seriousness, you have probably noticed that any time you hit a dead end on the world map, you need to make Level is [X] in an actual level. I won’t be giving any more hints telling you that you have to do this, or asking you to check to see which pieces of text would make good solutions. That’s on you now.


Gentle Nudge: Where do you ultimately need to put the "Weak" text? How will you get it there, generally? (Don't think about the exact method yet, just the general direction.)

Bigger Nudge: Look at the spot to the right, with the two "Is" and one "Push" piece of text. Are any of those pieces salvagable right now? Are there more pieces salvagable if you create another rule?

Specific Hint: Remember your solution to Forest 12? Is there anything about that solution you can use here?

Now that you’ve finished the hardest level so far...

Depths Overworld 6.jpg

Now that you’ve finished “Crushers,” you should have access to a very special piece of text. If you are having trouble getting your cursor back, just reset the map as I explained above.

It’s pretty simple to get to Depths 04 now, but first, I want to go into some of the extra levels, as they are accessible as of this moment. Take a look at the map. Are there any extra levels that are immediately visible? Now remember the extra levels in the ??? world. Where were they hidden? So, looking at Depths again, are there any pieces and rules that tell you where to find the extra levels?

Note that simply by seeing pics of the extra levels and how many of them there are, you may be spoiled as to where they are on the map. Please take the moment now to guess how many of them and where they are.

Depths Extra 1: Priority Lane

How to reach this level

Gentle Nudge: What piece prevents you from simply moving the Skull into the area with the extra level?

Bigger Nudge: What new rule can you create with "Level"?

Map D-X1.jpg

Difficulty: ***

Gentle Nudge: Which piece of text can you safely sink into the Water?

Bigger Nudge: How many things do you need "Push" for?

Specific Hint: Why are there two pieces of "Shift"?

Depths Extra 2: Parade

How to reach this level

Gentle Nudge: What else can you do with the "Level" text? Is it like something you did in the ??? map?

12 - Depths Extra 2.png

Difficulty: *****
About this Level

This used to be a level called “Secure Cottage,” which has since been axed entirely. Parade used to be in the ??? world, but now it’s here. According to some comments I have read, this level is up there as one of the hardest in the game. Enjoy!


Gentle Nudge: What exactly will create the win condition? What will prevent this from happening?

Bigger Nudge: Is there a reason you have a Bug? Is there something about the arrangement of the Belts that suggests a course of action in the upper area? Is that connected to the Bug somehow?

Specific Hint: Why do you think you have access to "Keke," "Me," and "Skull" in the lower area? How can you use them all? Do you have to use multiple at the same time?

Depths Extra 3: Hidden Relic

How to find this level

Gentle Nudge: After you have found extra level 2, are there other levels you can find in a similar way?

Map D-X3.jpg

Difficulty: ****

Gentle Nudge: Why is there another "Baba is"?

Bigger Nudge: Does Keke need to be Move?

Specific Hint: What other use for "Move** can you think of? What does that allow you to do with existing rules?

Depths Extra 4: Buried Treasure

How to find this level

Gentle Nudge: After you have found extra level 2, are there other levels you can find in a similar way?

Map D-X4.jpg

Difficulty: *****

Gentle Nudge: What can you do with Keke immediately that may be useful?

Bigger Nudge: Why is there an open space two blocks to the right of the phrase "Baba is You"?

Specific Hint #1: Is there one rule you can break while you simultaneously create a new rule? Are these involved rules connected or are they separated?

So you’ve finished the extra levels

Depths Overworld 6.jpg

Let’s go back to this picture. What is your next goal? Which obstacle is in your way?

You should also know that if you have found all the extra levels, that is a huge hint as to what to do next.

Depths 04: Collaborative Effort

15 - Depths 4.png

Difficulty: ***
About the Level

Since I first made this guide, a small change was made to prevent a cheesy solution I gave hints for. So, here are the real hints.


Gentle Nudge: What would be a useful rule using "Skull"? How can you get "Skull" somewhere more helpful than the room with Keke?

Bigger Nudge: Why do you think the "Keke is" and "Baba is" are arranged that way?

After Depths 04

16 - After Level 4.png

It should be obvious where to go next...

Depths 05: Living Lands

Map D-5.jpg

Difficulty: *

Gentle Nudge: The normal solution should not be a challenge for you at this point.

Oops, another dead end

18 - Third Dead End.png

Well, that didn’t solve anything. But you knew that would happen as soon as you saw the “Level” text in Depths 05.

Depths 05 Again

17 - Depths 5.png

Difficulty: *

General Tip: If the level is getting too far off screen to see, you can press against a Wall repeatedly to get it back in frame.

Gentle Nudge: Why are both Hedge and Wall in this level, instead of just one?

Now what?

Depths Overworld 12.jpg

If you’re looking at this map, then you’re almost there. You should now have access to one more possible rule you can make. What does this rule allow you to do?

Gentle Nudge: What does Me allow you to do that you couldn't do before?

Just gonna put some space here to avoid accidentally spoiling this


Once you reach the Flag, you’ve “finished” this world and you get booted back to the ??? world, with one extra surprise. You’ll finally be able to clear the ??? world, since Depths is considered a level of ???. Don’t ask me why, it’s just the way of Baba is You.

But you haven’t cleared Depths. Why? Do you think that there is another level you haven’t found? Let’s take a look at the nearly complete map again:

20 - Map Almost Complete.png

If you’ve done all four extra levels so far, and finished the five regular levels, you will have used all existing rules and manipulated all existing text except for one piece. Which one? Is there any possible way to use this piece? What is the sentence you will make? (The next picture will naturally spoil, so scroll at your own risk.)


Depths Extra 5: Endless Corridor

Map D-X5.jpg

Difficulty: ****

Gentle Nudge: Do you really need Baba and Keke?

Bigger Nudge: Is there a situation where Baba and/or Keke could move without the Rock moving? What rule is required?

Specific Hint: Remember your solution to Forest 12 or Depths 03 - what could you do similarly here?

World Complete?

After this level, you should see:

Depths Overworld 15.jpg

But this world isn’t cleared either???? There’s more??????

Yes, you’re not done. As you probably realized the moment you finished Extra 05. Not only was Depths not cleared, but another map appeared, called “Meta.” Just like with the ??? world, you have to clear the “sub-world,” so to speak, to clear the overworld.

Next: Meta