Last edited: 7/28/21
Rules you should know
To get here, you only need to have cleared the first three worlds. However, I’ll assume you’ve also looked into worlds four, five, and six enough to understand all the rules up until now, including the following:
Empty (Space 01, 02, 03, 05, 08)
Fall (Space 04, 06, 07)
Flower Garden
Though you can go here as soon as you complete the third world, but you need to know rules up through the fifth, so don’t come here too early.
It may be one of the smallest worlds, but it’s not even slightly easy.
You only need to complete 6 levels! Only two of them are easy! Good luck.
You’ll notice the levels are divided with yellow-green on the left and dark green on the right. The yellow-green levels teach Make, and the dark green ones teach On. Both of these are a bit tricky to figure out. In fact, I found this the hardest world in the entire game. It was the last part of the main game I completed. You may have a different experience, but if you are struggling here know you’re not alone.
Honestly, I don’t have recommendations on which levels to finish. Just clear any of them you can, making sure you do at least one Make and one On puzzle. The good news is that the first puzzle of each is a nice and easy tutorial.
Remember that hints are invisible until the text is highlighted. Bold text discusses the rules. Italic text discusses all objects of the named type. Regular text discusses the actual instances. Text “in quotes” refers to the actual text in the level.
Stuck elsewhere? Navigate using the following pictures:

Garden 01: Condition
Difficulty: *
About the Level
Luckily, the first couple of levels in this world are - for this point in the game - quite easy. Enjoy it while you can.
New material: connecting word On.
It’s difficult to come up with rules to experiment with On in this level, but you should try anything you can. What happens when Keke on Grass is You, for instance? Why does that happen?
Gentle Nudge: Something has to change into Key. But you can't just turn everything into a Key. What condition do you need?
Bigger Nudge: Keke on Grass will do things to Keke. Grass on Keke will do things to Grass.
Garden 02: Thicket
Difficulty: *
About the Level
Luckily, the first couple of levels in this world are - for this point in the game - quite easy. Enjoy it while you can.
New material: connecting word Make.
The concept of Make shouldn’t be all that difficult to understand, but levels with Make certainly spiral out of control if you’re not careful. Create something like Flag make Moon or Moon make Flag. What happens? Is the other object created only if there’s an Empty space available?
Gentle Nudge: You have to create Baba is Win, which will also make the Grass unable to cross. Can you prepare something ahead of time?
Garden 03: Sorting Facility
Difficulty: **
Gentle Nudge: How will you get the Rock into the chamber with the Water? Will you leave that chamber the same way?
Bigger Nudge: You can't unmake the phrase Belt is Shift once it is made. Is there something else you can do?
Garden 04: Relaxing Spot
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
Welcome to hell.
Gentle Nudge: Once you cross the Belt, is there any way to return to the starting area? If not, what do you need to do before you cross it?
Bigger Nudge: Does anything need to actually sink into the Water? Or does "Flag" just need to be pushed up?
Specific Hint: Is there a way for you to push one object on top of another, and then push both at the same time?
Garden 05: Maritime Adventures
Difficulty: ****
About the Level
New material: noun Hand
This level keeps getting changed slightly. Hopefully now that it’s been about three years the devs aren’t messing with it anymore. Have fun!
Gentle Nudge: Eventually you need both Lava is Defeat and Door is Shut. Where should Baba be when those rules are made? Where should the Hand be?
Bigger Nudge: How many pieces of Wall do you have access to? Do you think this is too many, too few, or just right?
Specific Hint: Assuming that something were to move from the bottom-right hallway to the Door, what path would it take? How many turns would it need to make?
Garden 06: Ruined Orchard
Level hints provided by Reddit user jmk_2017. I have edited them for style.
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
In its first iteration, this was a completely different level. The first version was, in my opinion, way harder. Probably too hard? Also very easy to break or turn into utter chaos. Whatever the case, the devs decided this new one would be better. Unless you played the game before mid-2019, you never saw it. Here’s a video of that old level and its solution.
Gentle Nudge: Where are you going to get Keys from?
Bigger Nudge: You'll have to cross the Belt at some point. The Keys will need to cross, too, but will they cross at the Belt?
Specific Hint: Start by finding a use for the Belt placed near "Open." Does that Belt have to stay in that spot?
Garden 07: Blockade
Difficulty: ****
Gentle Nudge: Pillar is Stop, but Rock is not. How could you use those objects differently?
Bigger Nudge: Do you really have enough pieces to sink into the Water?
Specific Hint: Is there a way you can get another rule into the passage with the Water? Maybe you could use that rule to then create a third, hybrid rule?
Garden 08: Jaywalkers United
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
It may be a little confusing what happens in this level, so I’ll explain. Every time you (Baba) move, you create a piece of Grass under you, and every time Keke moves, they create a Tile. Both of them will Defeat you. This means if you ever cross your own path, you die, and if you stand still for one turn, you die. You must keep moving and never retrace your steps.
Gentle Nudge: You cannot block all the Keke from getting to the Text on the left. Is there another way you can protect that sentence?
Bigger Nudge: Is there something else you can use the Keke for?
Specific Hint: Something needs to be true at first, and then not true later. What is it? If you know that, this level should be a cakewalk.
Garden 09: Overgrowth
Difficulty: ***
About the Level
New material: noun Fruit, the apple to the left of Baba.
Gentle Nudge: You can't change Fruit into something else. Is there another transformation you could do?
Bigger Nudge: What possible reason do you have "On"?
Specific Hint: Is there a sentence that would allow you to get past the Key without pushing it, but then be able to push the Key out to the left?
Garden 10: Adventures
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
Thank god this level got an overhaul. It is much clearer what to do now if you think about it.
Gentle Nudge: Defeat overrides Win. If Ice and Flag is Defeat, then you'll lose even if Ice is Win. This means you must move each piece of text in a certain order. Which one must be moved first?
Bigger Nudge: What do you think will cross the Skulls? How do you think that object will get there?
Another Big Nudge: Where does Baba need to be when the win condition is created?
Specific Hint: Is there a chain reaction you could set up so that Baba can patiently wait in between the Ice and the Flag while something else moves around the level?
Garden Extra 1: Secret Garden
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
It’s possible that in Garden 04 you got so stuck that you tried literally everything (like I did). In that case, you might already know the solution to this one. If not, good luck.
Gentle Nudge: To get rid of the Skull, you need both a Keke and a Rock on it. Where can you get a Keke?
Bigger Nudge: Why do you have two "Is" pieces? Do you ever really need multiple statements at a time?
Specific Hint: You may already know you need to ultimately replicate your setup from Garden 04 on the right side of the belt. Aside from removing the Skull, what extra step needs to be done before you can get to that point?
Garden Extra 2: Out at Sea
Difficulty: *****
About the Level
This might be the hardest level of the main game. At least, I thought so. It was the final level I solved in the main game, after I had gotten through an extensive portion of the endgame. To solve this, you will use a trick you pretty much only use in the endgame.
Gentle Nudge: Is there any way to cross the Belt to the left? If not, what rules do you need in place before you cross to the right? What objects do you need?
Bigger Nudge: Why do you have a rule preventing you from transforming Lava, but not a rule preventing you from transforming Ice?
Specific Hint #1: Can you make a transformation if there is something overlapping the object being transformed? Have you done it before?
Specific Hint #2: Is there a way to create both Lava is Push and Ice is Push using only one "Is"?
World Complete
Flower Garden opens no new worlds upon clearing. But if you’ve been clearing everything in order, you now have seven flowers, which unlocks the top-center gate. Beyond that gate are some levels which are the entrance to the endgame. Not only is there no need to do those levels to complete the game, but you really shouldn’t go to the endgame until you’ve learned all the rules from every single world. So, go to the Chasm next.
(Note: in the original version of the game, Chasm was considered world 9 and Volcano world 8. So now my pages are out of order. You can use the gallery below to skip around.)
In the meantime, do these hints work? Anything spoil too much? Do the hints actually help or are they too vague? Maybe you thought of a really good hint yourself? Send them to me. (Don’t comment them below.) You can find me @keyofw on Twitter or keyofw on Reddit. DM me anytime.