Last edited: 2025-2-2


#9. Five Simple Symphonies (Alternate Universe Classical Music)

While we’re doing the “Alternate Universe” thing, here’s some more Alternate Universe Classical Music. This time I wanted to emulate the style of the mid-1700s, very much like Haydn and Mozart’s early symphonies. These are five such symphonies. They were not made with any particular target or release in mind. Just for fun.

At the time I wrote them, I did have a connection to a music educator and some thoughts about using these as instructional, but since COVID all my plans for anything written pre-2020 have flatlined. So, the scores are unavailable. I am - or WAS - working on making some MIDI realizations so people can at least listen. Maybe someday I’ll finish them. For now, these scores are entirely unavailable.


Extra #2. Penultimate Fantasy II (Alternate Universe Video Game Music)

This is the sequel to my smash hit of the Alternate Universe Video Game Music series, Penultimate Fantasy. Now that I’d established the AUVGM world, I was able to start this project with a plan and stick with it. My goal was to create a cohesive soundtrack, sticking with a unified tonality and heavily borrowing from Renaissance and Baroque harmonies.