Last edited: 1/2/2024


Extra #14: Vibeo Grames, Vol. 5

In the summer of 2024 I participated in the “OST Jam 2024.” Unlike a typical game jam, this type of jam has no game. Instead, entrants are given a theme or game idea and are tasked with creating a soundtrack that fits. This jam’s theme was an image and a phrase inside my world. As is usually the case when I do a jam, it ends up coinciding with a huge work spike in my real-life job so I did my best with a very short amount of time. Here are some links and you can check it out for yourself:


Extra #13: Vibeo Grames, Vol. 4

In the spring of 2024 I participated in the “Pixel Jam 2024” on a game called Rest in Fish. You play as Mr. Fish, who runs Fish Funeral Services, where you receive requests from your fellow fish as to how they would like to be prepared as a dish once they die, and you cook the meal. Definitely on the sillier side. But I didn’t want the music to be too comedic. Instead, I went for an orchestral style which had some whimsy but was otherwise serious... until the final track “Mr. Fish Got Flow.” Check it out for yourself:


#20: Since You’ve Been Mine

This track was written for my super hot and gay wife, for our second anniversary.


Extra #12: My Fair Loren

Well, I went back and found an old piece of mine that has yet to be used anywhere. I don’t remember exactly when it was written, but it was at least seven years ago! Into the “extras” bin it goes.


#19: WALTZ

I have written a waltz. Because I call it a waltz, it is a waltz.

To be honest, I forgot to ever make the sheet music available. This mistake will be corrected soon and then I’ll put links here. Oops.