Last edited: 25-2-4


Real Music on Fake Pianos: J.S. Bach - Two and Three Part Inventions

Not everything here is going to be original music. I did not write Bach’s Two-and-Three Part Inventions. Sorry to be the one to break this news to you.

Anyway, the “Real Music on Fake Pianos” is here for two reasons. One is that I do not own an acoustic piano or studio recording equipment, so this is recorded in my apartment on my Kawai MP10 keyboard, and I’m not going to pretend otherwise. The second reason is that I find the world of classical music to be chock-full of the most pretentious, stuffy, gatekeeping losers that have ever existed, and the idea of someone playing serious classical music with complete sincerity on a synthesizer would drive them nuts. Enjoy.


Extra #14: Vibeo Grames, Vol. 5

In the summer of 2024 I participated in the “OST Jam 2024.” Unlike a typical game jam, this type of jam has no game. Instead, entrants are given a theme or game idea and are tasked with creating a soundtrack that fits. This jam’s theme was an image and a phrase inside my world. I wish I hadn’t been too busy at the time as I only got five tracks out (three of which are variations of each other), but I am happy with what I got and tried out some stuff that was a bit new to me. Enjoy.


Extra #13: Vibeo Grames, Vol. 4

In the spring of 2024 I participated in the “Pixel Jam 2024” on a game called Rest in Fish. You play as Mr. Fish, who runs Fish Funeral Services, where you receive requests from your fellow fish as to how they would like to be prepared as a dish once they die, and you cook the meal. Definitely on the sillier side. But I didn’t want the music to be too comedic. Instead, I went for an orchestral style which had some whimsy but was otherwise serious... until the final track “Mr. Fish Got Flow.”


#20: Since You’ve Been Mine

This track was written for my super hot and gay wife, for our second anniversary. It is a very serious and romantic piece.


Extra #12: My Fair Loren

Well, I went back and found an old piece of mine that has yet to be used anywhere. I don’t remember exactly when it was written, but it was at least seven years ago! Into the “extras” bin it goes.


#19: WALTZ

I have written a waltz. Because I call it a waltz, it is a waltz.

This is for solo piano and I’d say it’s not too hard, so it’s probably fine for more advanced piano students.